Sunday 12 October 2014

Evaluation for the college magazine and contents page.

As part of the assignment, I was asked to create college magazine cover and contents page aimed at students within my college. I used Photoshop to successfully create the magazine and contents page then I received some feedback from others on what went well and what to improve.

First of all I had to create a plan of the magazine and contents page on Microsoft word to give me a rough idea of what it would look like. This would also make it easier for me to lay out the magazine on Photoshop. Once I had the pages planned I went around the college to take some photographs for the cover page and contents page. I had to make sure the images taken were relevant to the magazine genre and they were well photographed. The photos I took were of students in Leyton Sixth form either studying in the street or in the library.

The image used on the front cover was a medium angle shot of two students looking into their work. I used Photoshop to manipulate the image and make the background brighter by changing the hue and saturation setting on selected area which made the two student stand out even more. I sent this image behind all the texts and other icons which made it look like a professional college magazine. The fonts I used for the cover story are bold and the colours of the fonts contrast well to the background. The cover line use of ‘college giveaways’ will draw the reader’s attention as I included images of an ipad that students will want to win.

I included icons of social networking links such as twitter, Instagram and Facebook which are well known and most frequently used amongst the young students. This is a popular convention on magazines which I successfully portrayed as it will spread the word of the mag. Also students can keep up to date of the latest college new through the apps linked to the magazine. I included the college website which is clear to read above the masthead. My magazine includes typical conventions of a magazine such as the barcode. In most magazines the barcode is found on the bottom right hand corner which is why I placed the barcode there too.

My magazine is only 40p for only 40 pages which goes to show you will receive exactly what you are paying for. The magazine is cheap and affordable, literally making it 1p per page. To improve on the magazine cover I believe I need to experiment with fonts for the masthead as it doesn’t really stand out in contrast to the cover lines. I should try playing around with different font colour for the masthead and experiment with the thickness of the font. Also I should try experimenting with the layouts of the cover lines and place them where appropriate. I personally believe I need to include more cover stories which will attract the audience’s attention.

The second part of my task was to create a contents page which I believe I was successfully able to do however I think my contents page was far too brief and simple. I created the contents page on Photoshop instead of InDesign as I found Photoshop easier to use. The image on the contents page is of a student directly looking at the camera, in the college library.

There is two parts to the contents page, the features which include the special articles of that issue and the ‘every month’ articles which are basically things that are found regularly on every issue. I could develop this page further by manipulating the image used further such as experimenting with the colour of the image. Also I believe more images are needed on the contents page to make it look stronger. I should also try play around with the fonts and colours scheme of the text. One of the mistakes I made in this content page was I didn’t include the cover line ‘college giveaways’ which was on the front cover of the magazine on my features section of the magazine. This was important to include as if students are looking for that page on the magazine, they would be able to find it on the contents page therefore have to look through the whole magazine.

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